30 December 2015

Christmas and Boxing Day

Happy holidays (a few days late!)
We had a lovely few days back in Dorking for Christmas/Boxing Day. Poppy loved playing with her cousins Evie and Finley, and spending some quality time with Nanny, Grandad and her uncles and aunts.
Poppy understood Christmas a bit more this year, which was really cute to watch. She helped decorate the tree, wrap presents (even her own - she was still surprised when she opened them!), and fill the stockings. She loved opening her presents on Christmas morning and opened most of mummy's presents as well 😉
Christmas Eve presents from grandma and grandpa - surprise it was pajamas!

Christmas morning!

The Peppa Pig air bed was a big hit! Thanks Auntie Katie and Uncle Andrew!

That's all for our Christmas photos.

After a few weeks of horrendous sleep for Poppy (and consequently horrendous sleep for Mat and I!), she has finally decided to give us a break. She's going down to sleep without a battle and is only waking up once or twice - and then going back to sleep in ber crib. I know what you're thinking "Allie, she's almost 2. She should be sleeping through the night!".. well she doesn't! And she never really has.. but I read somewhere once that babies/toddlers who wake up frequently in the night are extra intelligent so I'm clutching onto that. Plus when baby number 2 comes none of us will be sleeping anyway!

Speaking of baby number 2, all's well in the womb. We're 30 weeks this weekend. Baby is growing, kicking, and giving me lots of heartburn! I've been craving salt - olives, soy sauce, crisps. Only one month of work left and then we're in the homestretch! I have some holiday to take so I'll take that in Feb and then start maternity leave in March.. and hopefully Baby will be here sooner rather than later!

One more photo of little Pops..

She is so cute :)

Hope everyone has a happy new year!

08 December 2015

A Grandma Caryl Guest Blog...

I’m back with a guest blog about my latest trip to London.  I had mostly uneventful flights from Madison to London.  Sat on the runway for awhile in Minneapolis waiting for a mechanical problem to be fixed (always comforting to hear that there is a mechanical problem right before you fly across the ocean), so ended up getting there a little bit later than planned.  That gave Mat a little more time to frantically clean their flat before my arrival.  I think my kids all think I am going to walk in and do a white-glove inspection before I take up residence.

We then took a harrowing car ride to Allie’s nursery to pick Poppy up.  I am guessing Mat didn’t think it was harrowing, but it is just in my nature to be in full panic mode when riding in a car with my son-in-laws.  (Andrew can attest to that).  Spent a little time with Allie before whisking Poppy away to the grocery store.  Mat should NEVER go grocery shopping without a list and a menu plan!  We had many bags to carry, didn’t have Poppy’s buggy, and couldn’t figure out how to get back to the parking garage!  Also, Poppy was shunning me by this time and would not hang on to my hand.  We wandered around, going up and down escalators, for quite some time before finally navigating our way to the car.  To say I was relieved is a huge understatement.   I am still having flashbacks.  I was pretty sure we would be stuck on the wrong side of the station for eternity with me saying “Mat, let’s just look at a map” and Poppy screaming at me every time I tried to grab her hand.  I felt like a kidnapper (albeit a stupid one who didn’t think to bring her groceries home before setting out to snatch a kid)!  When we relayed our adventure story to Allie, she was very perplexed as to how Mat could get lost in a place he has been to a hundred times.  Feel like he will be hearing that every time they go to Canary Wharf!

Poppy was a little hot and cold with Grandma for those first two weeks (haha, not really.  Just the first few days).  I don’t hold it against her since she also had Daddy home during her awake hours.  On her fun meter, Daddy will win out over Mummy and Grandma every time.  He jumps in puddles and is teaching her how to jump and click her heels – need I say more?!  She doesn’t quite have it down, but Mat is awesome at it.  Hopefully, that will turn up in a video at some point.

So Barcelona happened…4:30 a.m. wake-up to catch a 5:30 a.m. taxi to the train station.  (Poppy made sure we were all up in plenty of time)!  Got on the Gatwick Express to the airport.  Keep in mind, Poppy is not feeling amazing, so guilt all around at dragging her on this trip to Spain.  Had time at the airport for breakfast with the tiniest adult cutlery I have ever seen.  It was really foggy, so our plane was delayed.  I am talking pea-soup foggy.  When we were finally able to board, it was still pea-soup foggy, then we were told we were going to sit there for 2+ hours.  Why did we board when it was obvious that we were not taking off any time soon?  Unclear.  Nothing a sick 20-month old likes better than being cooped up on an airplane.  Thankfully, Allie and Mat are really good at entertaining Poppy.  Not sure the flight attendants were thrilled to have them going up and down the aisles and lounging on the floor at the front of the plane, but I think they sensed it was not a good time to be enforcing the rules.  We finally took off and Poppy handled the flight well.  At least I think she did – she was still choosing Mummy and Daddy over Grandma, so I was able to cat nap (sorry you’re so popular, Allie and Mat)!

We departed the plane in the midst of wind and rain and had to take a shuttle to the actual airport.  A man face planted behind me walking in and managed to injure me with what was apparently a box filled with lead bricks judging by my bruises.  The trip just gets more magical with every minute, right?!!  Poppy did make friends with Francisco the cab driver (she insisted Allie include him in the ‘friend’ song they were singing on our way to the Air B & B.  Allie went through the rest of us in the car twice, but Poppy kept pointing to Francisco).  In spite of the bad start to our trip, Poppy not sleeping pretty much our entire time there, our paper thin walls at our accommodations (this is apparently the city that never sleeps), and me getting lost on the streets of Barcelona, we did enjoy the sunshine and SOME of the food!  We were, however, happy to get back to London on Thursday.

Upon our return, I set about organizing Allie’s life a little bit (trying to make room for baby’s things)! One of my brilliant ideas was to get a plastic drawer storage thing for Poppy’s tiny wardrobe.  You know, Americans, the Rubbermaid or Sterilite things you can get at just about every store in America.  Sounds easy, right? I never thought I would hear the words ‘you could really use a Wal-Mart here’ come out of my mouth.   After visiting about ten stores we finally found a B & Q.  As we drove in the parking lot I thought, ‘Hello, Home Depot, it’s me, Caryl’!  I cannot describe how happy Allie and I were when we walked into this store!  They had our drawer thing, along with many other storage things.  We did have to limit our buying since their car is tiny and we had Mat and Poppy taking up valuable cargo space : )

I did, of course, manage to hang out with Poppy quite a bit (really the whole purpose of my visit).  We made many creations with Play-Doh (she liked my snails and snowmen).  Halfway through my visit her parents bought her Play-Doh with glitter in it.  I was very impressed with whoever makes this stuff since there didn’t seem to be glitter on every surface … except Mat’s face and it was always on his way out the door to go to work!  Did I say anything? Nah.  Just a nice reminder that he has a life outside of work.

One of my goals on this visit was to get a Grandma holiday activity into the agenda.  We decided to make gingerbread cookies, not knowing that molasses would be as elusive as plastic storage. Mat found some at a health food store, so he was briefly my hero.  However, when I went to use it I realized it was probably the blackstrap variety – looked like tar and was really bitter. Had we just googled it, we would have discovered that we could have used treacle as a substitute (plenty of that at the grocery store).   The show must go on, though, so we went ahead and used it.  The cookies tasted pretty gross, but Poppy had a great time rolling the dough (we found her a little rolling pin at the charity shop) and she was a pro at sprinkling her bench flour! We decorated the cookies with the odd assortment of candy I picked up (lips and teeth, anyone? No, they were not left over from Halloween).  While Poppy didn’t actually try to eat the cookies, she definitely was sampling the candy (the lips were her favourite).


Other fun things I did with Poppy (and Allie and Mat) – built Duplo towers, went to the park (she loves to swing), watched her scooter along the Thames, played with Baby and Bunny (or Munny, as she says), read her lots of books, let her play with the zipper on my vest (she loved that), did some coloring, went to the library, established a snack drawer for her in their kitchen (she also loved that), went to Bread Street Kitchen for lunch, Borough Market, and the city farm.

A Poppy observation – She is super British!  While I know that sounds like it should be obvious (she was born there and lives there), now that she is talking it is really obvious!  It’s really cute when she says ‘oh dear, Mummy’ or ‘hallo ducks’ or really just about anything!  Maybe the British side of her family thinks she sounds American?  Probably not.  We haven’t taught her to say ‘you guys’ or ‘y’all’ yet. 

After taking up valuable floor space in their living room for two weeks, I had to pack my bags and say my farewells to the Horvath family.  I always dread this moment, but it’s so much worse when there is a grandbaby thrown into the mix!  Can someone please invent teleporting already!

Until next time.