17 November 2013

Back to reality and our London wedding celebration

It was a very very very long week last week trying to recover from the jet lag and getting used to being back at work full-time.  I have to say, I enjoyed the vacation and am not thrilled about being back to work!  

Also, my belly seems to have grown in the last few weeks (strange, right?) making it more and more difficult to bend over and lift the babies at work.  I've turned into one of those people who makes grunting noises when I bend over and/or stand up. It's embarrassing but I can't help it.

Some of our wedding photos are posted on Facebook!  If you haven't seen them and you want to, here's the link - Wedding Photos.  We should be getting more back in the next few weeks but they won't all be posted on Facebook.

Mat and I had our London wedding reception last night.  It was lovely to see all Mat's family and friends and have everyone together to celebrate!  It just so happens it was another night of me watching everyone get drunk at the free bar (just like the actual wedding!) but it was fun nonetheless.  We had it at the Folly, where Mat works.  It's a beautiful venue and they decorated it with pictures from the wedding. The food was good and Mat's dad made us an amazing cake.  AND I managed to stay out until midnight!  Overall, it was a success.  Thank you to everyone who came and celebrated with us!  We didn't really take any photos but I stole this one from someone's Facebook.

We tried to have a relaxing day today after the chaos of the week but ended up deep cleaning our house, making enough soup for 47583 people (why? i don't know) and getting our knives sharpened (the knife man came to our house on a Sunday morning and sharpened all our knives in 20 minutes and it only cost £30! Amazing!).  Then Mat had to go to work for a meeting and I spent the afternoon doing visa research, apartment hunting, and ordering thank you cards.  Not quite the relaxing day we had in mind but at least our house is clean and we've crossed some things off our to-do list.

Baby is growing like a weed these days.  Only 11 more weeks to go before we have a tiny human to feed and clothe and bathe and teach how to be a good person.  Are we ready? No. Is it going to happen anyway? Yes. For now we're quite content with Baby staying in my belly (kicking like a crazy person) and brewing for another few months!  Here's what the belly is looking like these days:

I registered for graduation today.  Monday January 20th I'll be walking (or waddling) across the stage to receive my Master's Degree!  WHOOP WHOOP!  Good thing those gowns are so large..

That's it for today!  Hopefully I'll have nothing exciting to report for the next few weeks because we're hoping for a few weeks of normalcy and relaxation!

10 November 2013

Wedding and Honeymoon!

Whew it has been a long time since my last blog post!  Where do I start?!  If I try to write about everything that's happened the last month this will be the longest blog post ever so I'll try to keep it short and sweet.

In case you haven't heard, Mat and I got married.  The week leading up to the wedding was a bit stressful with last minute preparations, frantic shopping trips and multiple airport runs but we survived. I only had one minor breakdown (I blame the hormones).  

The wedding itself went off without a hitch.. well, almost.  It hardly counts as a hitch but no one told us there was cardboard between the tiers of the cake? So when we tried to cut it, we couldn't!  So we just dug out a chunk with the cake knife.. classy as always :)  

But seriously, the flowers were so much more amazing than I could have imagined (Madison Wedding Flowers), our photographer - Rebecca Wersland - was amazing, the staff at the Madison Club was amazing, my Aunt Colleen did an amazing job on the piano, Hannah Luree sang like an angel and designed our amazing wedding programs.. how many times can I say amazing in one paragraph?!  My family was incredible and Mat's family was incredible and we appreciate everyone who was there!

Mat continued to be the most patient and understanding human being on the planet throughout the entire wedding process.  I'm so lucky to have such an amazing husband.  How weird that in the last two years we've gone from boyfriend and girlfriend to husband and wife (and soon to be Mom and Dad!). Yikes!  

Finally, Momma Keys.  My personal wedding planner, tailor, carpenter, teapot finder, card box designer, invitation maker, chef, hostess, party favour designer, tuxedo renter, therapist, crisis manager... should I go on?  She was the only reason this wedding was as successful as it was and we can't thank her enough for everything she did!  

New York was great. I might've gained an extra 10 pounds (not counting the weight I'm supposed to gain because of the life growing inside me) from all the amazing restaurants and markets.  Our favourites were ABC Kitchen, Eataly (INCREDIBLE) and Dean & DeLuca.  We just ate nonstop for 5 days and got a full 8 hours of sleep every night and had a magical time.  We have decided that we probably don't want to live in New York City, especially not with Baby so we can cross it off our list of potential relocation locations... not that we are relocating yet, just keeping our options open.

I'm not going to put all the pictures on here because I just put them on Facebook and there are a lot of them.  But here are a few of my personal favourites from the week leading up to the wedding and the wedding.  I didn't take any photos in New York because my phone was stolen on the Staten Island Ferry (seriously what kind of douche bag steals from a pregnant lady on her honeymoon?!) so Mat has all the NY photos.  You'll have to check out his Facebook to look at those.  I did add one NY photo here because it's a strange belly photo and needs some clarification :)
Katie got Mat and I these matching shirts to wear the night before the wedding. So cute :)

Moms and Pops.

SO excited to get married! And bored of watching everyone else get ready because I was ready 5 hours before the wedding...

Momma's amazing card box!

Moms and Pops just being in love.

Mat and I being in love.. and married :)

I really do love him.. you just can't tell by how I look at him in almost every photo we took on the wedding day. Haha.

So much belly rubbing on the wedding day but Baby was not kicking for anyone or anything

This is the NY belly photo.  Here's the back story.  Mat and I went out for a fancy dinner at this restaurant called One if by Land, Two if by Sea.  I had to wear tights and a dress and I had a REALLY itchy belly all night.  This is a thing that happens when you're pregnant.. your belly itches.  I spent all evening trying to itch my belly but couldn't through my tights and my thick dress.  So when we got back to the hotel, I went itch crazy in the bathroom and Mat decided to capture it on film.  Hence this photo.  And the only photographic evidence of my bare belly thus far in my pregnancy.

Here is my week 28 photo.  Baby is the size of a head of cauliflower, which was just too long to write on our tiny chalkboard.  Also, it turns out Baby likes flying.  Every plane ride the last few weeks, Baby turned into an amateur kick boxer!  

I do realise how tired I look but I couldn't fix it, no matter how wide I tried to open my eyes.  I blame the jet lag, which has been horrible this time around.  Neither Mat nor I slept on the overnight plane ride home, which means we were exhausted when we got home and haven't been able to get our sleep cycle back on track.  We're both back to work tomorrow though so being forced to get up at 6 am will probably fix our sleep cycles quickly!

I think that is all I've got. I'm sure I've forgotten something but we have some serious TV to catch up on so I have to go now. Priorities :)