17 November 2013

Back to reality and our London wedding celebration

It was a very very very long week last week trying to recover from the jet lag and getting used to being back at work full-time.  I have to say, I enjoyed the vacation and am not thrilled about being back to work!  

Also, my belly seems to have grown in the last few weeks (strange, right?) making it more and more difficult to bend over and lift the babies at work.  I've turned into one of those people who makes grunting noises when I bend over and/or stand up. It's embarrassing but I can't help it.

Some of our wedding photos are posted on Facebook!  If you haven't seen them and you want to, here's the link - Wedding Photos.  We should be getting more back in the next few weeks but they won't all be posted on Facebook.

Mat and I had our London wedding reception last night.  It was lovely to see all Mat's family and friends and have everyone together to celebrate!  It just so happens it was another night of me watching everyone get drunk at the free bar (just like the actual wedding!) but it was fun nonetheless.  We had it at the Folly, where Mat works.  It's a beautiful venue and they decorated it with pictures from the wedding. The food was good and Mat's dad made us an amazing cake.  AND I managed to stay out until midnight!  Overall, it was a success.  Thank you to everyone who came and celebrated with us!  We didn't really take any photos but I stole this one from someone's Facebook.

We tried to have a relaxing day today after the chaos of the week but ended up deep cleaning our house, making enough soup for 47583 people (why? i don't know) and getting our knives sharpened (the knife man came to our house on a Sunday morning and sharpened all our knives in 20 minutes and it only cost £30! Amazing!).  Then Mat had to go to work for a meeting and I spent the afternoon doing visa research, apartment hunting, and ordering thank you cards.  Not quite the relaxing day we had in mind but at least our house is clean and we've crossed some things off our to-do list.

Baby is growing like a weed these days.  Only 11 more weeks to go before we have a tiny human to feed and clothe and bathe and teach how to be a good person.  Are we ready? No. Is it going to happen anyway? Yes. For now we're quite content with Baby staying in my belly (kicking like a crazy person) and brewing for another few months!  Here's what the belly is looking like these days:

I registered for graduation today.  Monday January 20th I'll be walking (or waddling) across the stage to receive my Master's Degree!  WHOOP WHOOP!  Good thing those gowns are so large..

That's it for today!  Hopefully I'll have nothing exciting to report for the next few weeks because we're hoping for a few weeks of normalcy and relaxation!

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