27 January 2014

A very boring post with some awful photos.

I suppose it's time for another blog post.  I wish it was a "OMG WE HAD A BABY" blog post but it's not.  Instead it's a "look how horrible the chalkboard picture choices were this week" post.  There are some gems this week.

My personal favourites:
I have no explanation for this one.
"Mat take the picture so you can't see my chins. Should I smooth them down? Does that help?"
"I give up."

There were about 20 other photos and Mat was ready to kill me by the end of this photo shoot.  For his sanity and our relationship, I hope we don't have to do another one!

Not a lot else to report.  We finally have internet so I've been steadily catching up on TV shows on Netflix.  OH.. and I had my Masters graduation :) It was nice to finally get some recognition for all the hard work I've put in this past year (like that time I wrote a book).

Other than that, I've been doing a LOT of baking and cooking. My freezer is full of food so our little family doesn't starve when all we're doing is catching flying poos and feeding the tiny human.  And I've been doing a lot of walking, which has not resulted in labour but which has resulted in one very swollen ankle/foot.  Just one.

We made short ribs last night and Mat would like everyone to see his mise en place:
They were really yummy!

That is absolutely all I have to report.  We got a new vacuum cleaner so I'm off to do some cleaning!

13 January 2014

Being British and moving house

I'm happy to report that my visa application was approved so I'm officially the spouse of a settled British person!  That means I'm practically British unless I want to vote or claim benefits from the government - I'm not British enough for those things.

We're all moved in to our apartment.  A huge thank you is in order for Mat's parents, Ollie and Uncle Steven for coming to help us move this past weekend. We couldn't have done it without you!  I was completely useless because it's hard to carry/move boxes and furniture when you're carrying around a growing baby in your stomach.  Plus Mat wouldn't let me do anything strenuous.  He didn't know that I was trying to go into labour early so I was lifting and moving things when he wasn't looking ;)  

We spent the weekend unpacking and organising our new house.  Poor Mat was exhausted! We have a lot more things than we realised so the organising bit took a long time.  For example - the bathroom:

I have big plans to keep this apartment much cleaner than the old one (you should've seen all the dust when we moved out.. yikes!).  I made myself a weekly cleaning chart.  Now that I'm on maternity leave I have lots of free time to do things like make cleaning charts and clean :)

We managed to build Baby's moses basket stand and put together his/her buggy yesterday so we're fully prepared.  Baby can make an appearance any time now!  Actually Baby should maybe wait until after Wednesday.  We have a scan on Wednesday to make sure Baby's head is down where Baby's head should be (the midwife couldn't tell at my last appointment).  If it's not, he/she can wait a few weeks and get into the right position before making an appearance!

I'm in the library using the internet because the absolute earliest the internet people could come to our house to install the wifi was the 24th of January (I called them on the 6th - ridiculous).  The library has free wifi but they've blocked Netflix! Why can't I come to the library and watch Netflix?!  What's your problem Southwark Council?!  And I'm trying to download an episode of a TV show on iTunes and it says it's going to take 5 hours. I realise these are ridiculous first world problems but I have so little going on in my life since I'm now on maternity leave and my visa and apartment are all sorted.  I didn't realise how much I used the internet until I didn't have it! Guess it's time to ween myself off a bit…

Finally, here's my belly.  Mat informed me yesterday that I'm also getting wider these days, not just growing straight out the front.  Men of the world - this is EXACTLY what your 8 and a half months pregnant wife wants to hear.

That's all!