23 March 2014

Sunday morning blogging

I don't actually have much to write in this blog but I thought it was about time for another post.  Mat is back at work and working very long hours so Popsicle and I have had a lot of quality time together .. I've managed to keep her alive and (mostly) happy!  We got our first real smile out of her last night, which was very exciting.  

We haven't had any more catastrophic journeys in the last few weeks.  Poppy has been quite well behaved in public!  It's a different story at home but at least she puts on a happy contented face when we're out and about :)

I literally have nothing else to report so here's Poppy being cute.  I try not to bombard Facebook with pictures so I save them up for blog posts :)

Me and Pops being in love. We spend a lot of time like this.


Enjoying the sunshine in Canary Wharf!  We had about a week of beautiful sunny days in London.  It didn't last.  Yesterday I got off the bus early to walk home because I thought it was nice.. halfway home it started hailing!  British weather...

So stylish. And we're really good parents strapping her into the rocker... oops!

Me as a baby on top, Poppy on bottom.  She normally looks like Mat but when she's sleeping peacefully she looks like me :)

I think she has an overactive startle reflex because she often sleeps like this, with her hands straight up in the air. So cute.

Gazing out the window.  "Wow Mom look outside!"


She's always so tired in the mornings from keeping me up all night.  It's hard work!

Smiles :)


Lazy Sunday morning photos.  

Mat is so jealous of how in love me and Popsicle are :)

We're venturing into Canary Wharf today to do some shopping because Mat actually has a day off!  

The end.

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