26 October 2014

A cute little London Saturday

After a manic few weeks of me going back to work, Poppy being sick, and Mat starting a new job, we desperately needed a relaxing Saturday together.  I let Mat sleep in (I know, I'm the best wife in the world) and Poppy and I went out for a morning walk. She went down for a nap when we got home and Mat and I made lunch. When she woke up we walked down to the park and then stopped at the pub on our way home for a drink. Another Poppy nap, Mat made dinner and we caught up on some TV. Then we all went to bed early (and Poppy stayed in her crib all night - a rare occasion these days!) It was a gloriously lazy day and I loved it.

Poor Poppy is finally recovering from a virus. She was voiceless from Sunday night to Wednesday. Trust me, silent baby crying is way worse than normal baby crying - she looked so sad! But she seems to be making a full recovery - almost back to normal decibel ear-splitting crying 😉

Mat is working today and I'm struggling to find the energy to accomplish anything. It's 7 pm and I could go to bed! I blame the time change. We did manage to go to the library so I could read Poppy fun books and she could ignore me and try to climb on the colourful seats. 

Here are some photos..
"Get this hood off my head Mom!"

Yes she is playing with a pack of Pampers. It was an impromptu pub stop and we didn't have any toys so we were improvising.

And finally, the hillbilly teeth (actually a whole rice cake but I like to think she's channeling her inner American 😉)

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