02 March 2015

Commuting with Poppy

I had a hard day at work today. My deputy is on holiday this week and running that huge nursery by myself is a serious struggle. But we survived! And there's nothing better to cheer me up after a long hard day than making my commute home with my adorable child. She is hilarious in public now. She thinks everyone is her friend and insists on waving and saying "buh bye" to every single person who walks by (I live in a city of 8.6 million people - its a lot of waving!). "Buh bye" also happens to sound like "da da" in Poppy language - we get a lot of awkward stares from passing men. 

On our commute home, we also have to take the tube. We get on the train at East India and have to take the DLR one stop, then change trains to get on the Jubilee Line. The Jubilee Line goes through Canary Wharf, where all the high-rise buildings are and all the bankers work. This means when the train stops at Canary Wharf, it is completely jam-packed with commuting bankers on their way home. If you've ever ridden on the tube, you know it is eerily silent, even when jam-packed. Insert Poppy, my little attention loving baby. She looks around until someone makes eye contact with her and then shouts at them, usually some variation of "BA BA BA BA" or "DA DA!" or "UH OH" until they smile at her. It is so funny. 

Then we walk home from the station and she waves at the ducks the whole time we walk by the water (which is most of the walk). She is obsessed with 'ducks' - which includes geese, swans, pigeons and actual ducks. 
Mat works most Sundays now so Poppy and I have the day to ourselves. We've started going to feed the ducks most days and Poppy does NOT understand the concept.
Poor ducks!

We've also been making her walk more to break in her new kicks - she told us how she felt about that by throwing her new kicks in the toilet yesterday! But she is so cute toddling along the river. 

We also make frequent trips to the library on our Sundays together. Poppy loves the library, not so much for reading books but for carrying them around and handing them to strangers or leaving them various places on the floor.

And we rounded out our Sunday with a little swinging action. 

There we go, a day in the life of Poppy and Mommy when Mat is working, and an insight into my daily commute.

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