27 April 2016

Baby Sophie

Wow it's been a long time! Not much to report, just had a baby, no big deal :)

Momma Keys got here a few days before baby was due because we were all sure baby was coming early (I was HUGE).  My due date came and went, so I spent the next few days eating jalapeños and spicy Indian food and walking up lots of stairs. 5 days late baby was finally ready to make an appearance!

Here's how birth works in a country with a free health care system and a hospital with not quite enough staff:

We went to the hospital about 6 am after a full night of contractions. I was sent home after my first check so we wandered around for 4 hours, went up to get checked again and was sent home again after being only 2 cm dilated. We walked downstairs in the hospital to get a sandwich, sat down to eat said sandwich and my waters broke... in the middle of the hospital reception. Embarrassing. We went back up to the antenatal ward where they stuck us in the waiting room (literally in the hallway surrounded by non-labouring people, while I was in the throes of labour). I made Mat talk them into giving us a private room while we waited for a midwife. 30 minutes later I was sure I was going to give birth on the floor of the waiting room so they finally threw me in a wheelchair and ran me to the birthing unit. Sophie Irene Horvath made her appearance an hour later.

16 hours of labour, no medication (except paracetamol - basically Tylenol, why do they even bother?), 9lb 6oz baby. Yikes.

My mom was here for 2 weeks after Sophie's arrival to help us, which was amazing. Mat and I actually managed to get some sleep! And Poppy got to spend quality time with Grandma doing fun stuff like baking cookies, dying Easter eggs, and going to the park.

Sadly Grandma had to go back to America (I tried to convince her to stay forever but apparently living in our tiny 2 bedroom flat and sleeping in Poppy's room on an air mattress isn't very appealing) and Mat had to go back to work. The first few weeks on my own with 2 children are a bit of a blur but we survived!

Sophie is almost 6 weeks old already! How long it has taken me to write this shows how busy life is with a 2 year old and a young baby. Poppy loves Sophie and walks around saying "Sophie's my best friend!" She also constantly wants to "give Sophie a little pat pat" which never fails to wake Sophie up - Poppy isn't the gentlest of patters.

Poppy still goes to nursery 2 days a week. She had her last day at my nursery today as we're moving her to one that's closer while I'm on maternity leave. I'm hoping she settles in well.

It has taken me the whole day to write this and now it's bedtime for the babies.

Here are some photos:

Leaving the hospital 
Our first photo as a family of 4 :)
Poppy making Sophie watch the lion movie (Madagascar)
Sophie loving America 
It's been a rainy spring in London... good thing Poppy has her own umbrella!


  1. Gorgeous babies, proud momma, handsome family. You are the luckiest one to get to take time for them. Just ask this Grammy.

  2. Congratulations on the baby! Beautiful family, great pictures.

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