12 February 2013

Sightseeing and rainy London

It's been ages since I've updated my blog!  Been busy busy busy!  Kelsey and Giselle and Kelsey's parents were here visiting this past weekend from America.. very exciting!  We did a ton of sight-seeing (some of it in the pouring rain.. thanks a lot London weather) and I managed to not take a single picture with my American visitors!  Oops!
Here are a few pictures I did take though..

Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace! The day was actually as cold and gloomy as it looks, believe it or not.

We walked through Covent Garden at the same time they were setting up the red carpet for the BAFTAs.  So many famous people in London and we didn't see a single one!
We took a stroll across Millennium Bridge after going to St. Paul's Cathedral.  It was absolutely pouring down rain and super cold.  But London still manages to be pretty :)

I've been frantically filling out all my ethical approval forms for my dissertation research.  My eyes are burning from staring at my computer screen for so long! I spent the morning working on my essay, and tomorrow will be another dissertation day.  I'm getting things accomplished this week!

03 February 2013

Subway.. and Hampton Court Palace

So everyone knows how much I love Subway, right? If you don't know, I really love Subway.

I just had a Subway sandwich from the Subway down the road from my flat and I was not impressed. Let me tell you why.

1. No flatbread. Honestly. It's 2013. Get some flatbread English Subway.
2. They didn't let me choose my cheese OR whether I wanted to toast my sandwich - they just did it.  What if I wanted a cold sammie, huh?
3. No Cold-Cut Combo.
4. You only get 1 cookie with your meal. Who only needs 1 cookie!? I definitely need two cookies.
5. They have odd curry flavoured sandwiches.  Who goes to Subway for a curry sandwich!?  There are 6 million (I'm not exaggerating.. there are at least 300 per square mile) curry and take-away places around that probably do much better curries and ethnic foods than Subway ever will.

Needless to say, I miss American Subway.  If someone wants to box up and mail me a 6 inch cold-cut on flatbread with lettuce, pickles and a little bit of ranch, that would be great!

On a happier note, I've finally found a replacement for apples.  I have a bit of an apple obsession, but can't really eat them because I have a bad jaw ($5000 to fix.. I'll suffer a little longer!).  Makes it really painful to bite into and chew apples, but I've still been eating at least 2 a day.. until now!  I found these yummy dried apples to eat instead! Not quite as crunchy and refreshing, but they'll do the job.

Amanda and I spent the day at Hampton Court Palace yesterday.  It was beautiful, but really cold!  We got free tickets because some girl in line in front of us accidentally bought 2 extra tickets.. how you manage to buy two extra tickets that are £15 each I have no idea but it worked out in our favour.  We did an audio tour, learned a lot, and then drank some tea to warm ourselves up.  I didn't take many pictures but here are a couple!
Outside the palace entrance

From in the inside courtyard looking out the entrance.  Such a pretty day at a pretty palace!

The end :)