12 February 2013

Sightseeing and rainy London

It's been ages since I've updated my blog!  Been busy busy busy!  Kelsey and Giselle and Kelsey's parents were here visiting this past weekend from America.. very exciting!  We did a ton of sight-seeing (some of it in the pouring rain.. thanks a lot London weather) and I managed to not take a single picture with my American visitors!  Oops!
Here are a few pictures I did take though..

Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace! The day was actually as cold and gloomy as it looks, believe it or not.

We walked through Covent Garden at the same time they were setting up the red carpet for the BAFTAs.  So many famous people in London and we didn't see a single one!
We took a stroll across Millennium Bridge after going to St. Paul's Cathedral.  It was absolutely pouring down rain and super cold.  But London still manages to be pretty :)

I've been frantically filling out all my ethical approval forms for my dissertation research.  My eyes are burning from staring at my computer screen for so long! I spent the morning working on my essay, and tomorrow will be another dissertation day.  I'm getting things accomplished this week!

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