23 May 2013

Moms and Pops are coming to London!

I'm sitting in a coffee shop in Highbury and there are two girls from Minnesota here!  What are the odds? Just reminds you how small the world actually is :)

Life has been insanely busy lately.  I've been frantically dress shopping (with no success) and frantically house hunting (also with no success).  There just are not enough hours in the day for everything to get done!  And I've obviously been completely ignoring my dissertation so that's not going anywhere.

Although I have just taken a break from reading about how to analyse interview data using phenomenological analysis and discourse analytic method.... trust me.. it's just as exciting as it sounds :)

On a happier note, MOMMA AND POPPA KEYS WILL BE HERE TOMORROW! EEEEEEKKKKK I'M SO EXCITED! Hoping Pops doesn't wear his bright white tennies and Budweiser shirt like he kept threatening to do. I'll have to "accidentally" lose him on the tube!

The wedding planning is slowly but surely progressing.

That's all I know. Need to get back to reading!

Just one photo to post.  Mat and I went for drinks at SushiSamba in the Heron Tower the other night with two of his friends who were up from Brighton. The view was incredible!  Here's the Gherkin (or as I like to call it, the Egg Building).

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