25 July 2013


Mat and I had a few days away in Dover last weekend.  The White Cliffs were absolutely beautiful, but the view is marred a bit by the humongous ferry port underneath them!  It was quite nice to be out of the city for a few days.  London is nice but it's nice to get away from the hustle and bustle! We didn't take very many photos, but here are a couple.

High speed train! Only 1 hour and 9 minutes to the coast!

Beach. I love that the beaches are rocks instead of sand because I hate sand. It wasn't really warm enough to swim but there were plenty of people in the sea anyway!

The only picture we took together and it didn't turn out at all :(

Steps up the White Cliffs

So pretty :)

Fountain in the middle of Dover. I like it cause it looks like a dandelion :)

Nothing else to report on my end! Back to dissertation work!

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