06 October 2013

Week 23

Here's my belly. It's getting bigger.  I always get a seat on the tube now, even without my Baby on Board badge.  I realise I'm a bit obsessed with the tube and having a seat but I spend A LOT of time on the tube.

Mat and I got this nice little surprise from Katie last week!  Since we couldn't have a real wedding shower, she sent this letter along with a small postage paid box to family and a few friends.  They sent them back to Katie and she packed them all in a big box and sent them to us!  Such a creative idea!  We LOVED it. It was very exciting to open all the presents.  Thank you so much to everyone who participated!

This was my favourite present in the little boxes!  Thanks Grandma Doris :)  

Mat was on his stag do this weekend (aka bachelor party).  He went to Brighton with his friends Friday-Sunday.  This is how he was when he came home... 

I spent the whole weekend cleaning, shopping for house things, and being domestic so I wasn't very sympathetic when he got home and didn't let him sleep very long.  We went to meet Linda and Mark for dinner in Hammersmith shortly after these photos and Mat was struggling to be a functional human.

This is his trophy from go karting this weekend.  He won first place and is so proud of himself.  He may be getting old but he's a kid at heart :)

That's all I know.  We're catching up on some X Factor and then going to bed early.

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