07 January 2012


Today is January 7th.  That means in exactly one month Mat will be gracing America with his presence.. CAN'T WAIT!  We just bought tickets to see the Bulls in Chicago at the end of May.. very exciting!  Obviously not courtside seats or anything, but good enough.  It'll be my first NBA game!  Now we just have to find a hotel in Chicago.  The hotels aren't too expensive, it's the parking!  $45 a night?!  Insane.

I'm breaking out the ol' keyboard today.  I haven't touched it since my first house in Winona (aka 2 years ago?).  I'm going to set it up downstairs and teach myself 2 songs by the end of January.. that's the plan anyway!  I'm not doing much else with my days though, so I figure I should do something at least a little bit productive!

I'm almost done with my state thing.. hopefully it'll be done tonight! Yay :)  I'll post pictures when I get it hung up.

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