28 January 2012


Here's an update on my life for anyone who still reads this :)

1. I got a full-time job - teaching a toddler class at Bright Horizons.  It's fun and frustrating and exhausting and rewarding.  Not something I would want to do for the rest of my life, but it's fun for now!  And it's a paycheck :)

2. I've officially accepted my offer to study at King's College London starting in September!  Very excited!  I just need to get a visa and hope the VA will pay for it.. if not, I need to find $17000 laying around.

3. I got my Minnesota teaching license.  So, if I need to, I could always get a teaching job in Minnesota!  The process to get a Wisconsin one is a little more complicated, so I haven't done it yet.. but I will.

4. Mat will be here in 10 days! Eeeeeeek! Can't wait!

That about sums it up!

Quote for the day:

"Happiness is a mood and it’s a condition, not a destination. It’s like being tired or hungry - it's not permanent. It comes and goes and that’s okay. I feel like if people thought of it that way they’d find happiness a lot more often."

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