08 December 2012


I think I'm going to have to purchase more photo space on my blog, or else delete photos from all my old blog posts because it will only let me upload 1 more picture!  So sad :(

Anywho.. my first big paper is done, just being proofread by every member of my family (thanks guys!).  I'm going to make the finishing touches tonight after the kids I'm babysitting go to sleep and turn it in on Monday - two whole days early!  I feel like I'm doing well turning it in early but there are people in my program who turned theirs in weeks ago.

Only 6 more days until I'm back on American soil for a couple weeks!  SO EXCITING!  Definitely a bummer that I won't get to spend Christmas with Mat, but at least I'll be back in time to spend New Year's in London.

I will, however, be spending a lot of my Christmas break writing my dissertation proposal (it's due the day we get back from holiday).. which is no fun!

Not a lot has been going on here.. babysitting my life away and spending a lot of time in the library. The Chocolate Festival was on the South Bank yesterday so Amanda and I walked around and sampled a lot of yummy chocolates.  Then Ollie (Mat's brother) was up from Dorking so we went out for dinner with a few friends at Canteen:

Off to South Kensington to babysit now!

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