12 August 2013

Week 15

Not a lot to report in the blog today.  Mat and I had a busy busy weekend.  We never see each other during the week so we have to cram a million things into the weekend and we never manage to get everything done!  

My dissertation deadline is looming.. only two and a half more weeks! I'm planning on printing the final copy and taking it to the bookbinder this week so I can turn it in a few days early.  I'm past the point of caring what it says.. I just want it to be done!

Baby will be 15 full weeks tomorrow.  I'm starting to actually look pregnant, a fact that Mat points out all the time :)  Pretty soon I can start wearing my "Baby on Board" pin on the tube without feeling like people think I'm lying!  I'm also going to have to start buying some maternity clothes in the near future because I can't button most of my jeans anymore.  I went into a shop the other day to look at maternity tights and they were £26 for ONE pair!  No thank you!  

Anyway, here's our week 15 photo (I finally managed to find chalkboard paint so the chalkboard is back!)
My pregnancy app says baby should be about 4.5 inches long at this point but Baby Horvath was 4.7 inches long at our 12-week scan... I think we have a future basketball player on our hands!

That's all!

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