17 March 2013

Nothing exciting but a post nonetheless!

Hello blog followers!  Mat had the day off on Friday and Saturday so we did a lot of laying around and eating.  We did make it to the gym though!  We have to walk to the gym because the road the bus goes down is closed.. it's 1.3 miles which is quite a long way in the cold rain.  There was a protest on our walk, so we stopped and checked it out.  There was over 1000 people.  They had a bus and police escorts!

After we spent the afternoon at the gym, we came home and baked cookies (as you do).  Then we watched England get spanked in the Six Nations rugby.  Then we went to check out the pub around the corner.  It's about a 15 second walk from our house and we'd never been there!  It's called the Swimmer at the Grafton Arms.

I think we'll be going back. It was cute and little and affordable.

That's all! Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone :)

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