20 March 2013

Three exciting things

1. THE SUN CAME OUT YESTERDAY! I know.. it's hard to believe.  But it happened. I even took a picture to document it.

2. We got our first Graze box in the mail!  It's my new favourite thing. You sign up online, fill out the snacks you'd like and the snacks you wouldn't and decide how often you want it delivered.  They put it in a box small enough to fit through the postbox so you don't have to be home to get it from the delivery guy.  And it's full of healthy snacks and treats!  This time, we had dried fruit, flapjacks, a bread thing, and some more dried fruit.  I love it. We only get one every two weeks, but the way Mat devoured the first box I think we're going to need to get one a week :)

3. We're going to see Louis C.K. at the O2 tonight!  I think he's the most hilarious man on the planet and I am SO excited.  If you've never heard him, watch this video - http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8m5d0_everything-is-amazing-and-nobody-i_fun#.UUmiq6WWRSU 

I just think he's so funny :)

Right. That's all. Off to lunch!

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