11 April 2013

Finally an update!

I have been seriously slacking in the blogging department. Sorry!  But I've been so busy doing school work.. and spending time with this adorable tiny human!
I realise I'm biased but I have never seen a cuter baby :)

My college roommates and I had a little reunion last weekend in Lacrosse.  We all drank like we were still 21 and regretted it the next morning :) But a good time was had by all!

See what I mean?  A fish bowl. What were we thinking?

Then Momma and I had to drive Katie and Log back to Missouri so we stopped in St. Louis on the way back and went up in the Arch.  I have to say it was one of the most claustrophobic experiences of my life!  You go up in this tiny rickety pod and it only goes 4 miles per hour and looks like it hasn't been updated since the 1970s.  Awesome view from the top though!

There was a Cardinals game later that day so all those tiny dots on the right side of the picture (behind what I'm assuming is the capitol building) are people tailgating and to the left is the field.

I've also been doing other stuff.. like laundry and dishes and vacuuming.  These are the things I do to avoid doing my schoolwork.  So if anyone needs their houses cleaned, let me know so I can continue procrastinating! :)

Finally, one more picture of me with my favourite person in the whole wide world. He's just so cute.

The end :)

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