06 November 2012

Belfast pictures

Random photos from the past few weeks:

Amanda and I wandering around the South Bank.

Mat and I's anniversary :)  All ready to go out to dinner!  It was miserably cold and rainy outside, but we had a good time.

Pretty anniversary flowers.

Northern Ireland from the airplane!

Alasdair (Mat's friend from school and our wonderful host) and I at the sea park in Belfast.  I couldn't look any more awkward in this picture if I wanted to (the sun was in our eyes.. let's blame the sun).

Me and the Irish Sea.

My travel buddy.

Mat and his new best friend Sebastian (Alasdair and Emma's baby).  Adorable.

Just some boys hanging out in the pub.

Sebastian and I :)

Can you see the shamrock in the foam?  Only in Ireland :)

That's about it!  Mat and I had a lovely time in Belfast.  We didn't take nearly as many pictures as we should have - oh well! A special thanks to Alasdair and Emma for being such great hosts!

We're back in London now and getting back into the swing of things.  I spent the morning at the library and managed to crank out 1000 words of my 6000 word essay!  Then I met Mat for lunch, came home and cooked a million cookies to take to school tomorrow, and did laundry. Such a productive day!

I'm now being forced to watch the Grand Prix. The joys of living with boys ;)

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