21 November 2012

"What did his mom say?!"

Here's the scenario..
The little boy I watch on Monday afternoons (he's 6) and I are making crispy treats (basically chocolate, butter, and rice krispies).  He picks up the whole bowl and pretends like he's going to dump it onto the tray.

Me: Oh I wouldn't do that.  My boyfriend tried to pour soup like that this weekend and he spilled it all over the counter!
Boy: What did his Mom say?!
Me: His Mom wasn't there.
Boy: What did you say?!
Me: I told him to clean it up!

A few minutes pass....
Boy: But what was his mom like? What did she say?
Me: His mom wasn't there.
Boy: Ohhhhh so you were looking after him?

..... kids are so funny :)

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