02 November 2012


My newly discovered favourite song (for the moment):
I love it.

I babysat this morning.  The little boy and I went to a "farm" in the middle of Islington.  They had sheep, goats, a couple cows, a pig, and some chickens.  He was very excited about the sheep!

To get there, we had to take a bus.  For those who have never tried to get on a London bus with a stroller, it's not an easy feat.  The places to park the strollers are not really big enough, and getting out is an absolute nightmare.. and the whole time everyone looks at you like you're dumb.  I ran over these two ladies feet today getting on the bus because they refused to move their feet out of the aisle so I could get through.... sorry I'm not sorry ladies!  In any case, we survived :)

Here's a cow - such a tiny little pen for such a big cow :(

Now I'm off to pack for Belfast! EEEEKKK! I can't wait :) 
Then I'm going to a food market/tea festival on the South Bank.  I've turned into a market addict.  I love them.  Convenient that I live in London so there are always markets on :)
Next week I have to really buckle down and get some paper writing done.  I have not done enough school work this week (oops).

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