02 January 2013

New Year and cookies

Happy New Year from London!  
We were lucky enough to get to watch the fireworks on the South Bank.  Very impressive!  Mat's friends from Dorking and his brother came up and we had a great night!

Now a bit of complaining:
In the last hour Mat has spilled two whole glasses of liquid on the carpet in the living room.  Why?!  The first one was water but the second was orange juice. And our washing machine broke today.

On a happier note, we made these magical cookies today:
Brown butter + sea salt Nutella stuffed chocolate chip cookies. Honestly. They are just as magical as they sound!  Beautiful chocolatey goodness :)

And I got my new wellies (aka wellington boots aka rain boots) today.  They are magical.  I jumped in every puddle on my walk to the bus stop just because I could :)

Back on the grind tomorrow.  Will be spending the day in the library writing my dissertation proposal and reading a tree's worth of journal articles.  

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