31 October 2012

Exciting things! ... and Halloween

So many exciting things are happening!

1. KELSEY HOEFER booked her plane ticket to London! AHHHH SO EXCITING!  Keep in mind I haven't seen Kelsey in years.. since 2010 maybe?  In any case, it's going to be so much fun :)

2. Mat and I booked tickets to go to Dublin the first weekend in December.  My friend Hanna is student teaching there.  She was here last month, so now we're going up there!  Very exciting :)

3. We're off to Belfast in 2 days!  Saturday morning we're off to Northern Ireland until Monday morning.  Mat's best friend lives there and he had a baby last year that Mat has yet to meet.. so we get to explore Belfast AND get a baby fix!

4. I finally have jobs!  Before I was working a whopping 3 hours a week (rough, I know).  Now I'll be working with another family in Angel, which is a short bus ride away.  A few mornings a week I'll go hang out with the cutest little toddler :)

That's about it I suppose!  I'm planning on doing some shopping tomorrow (I've hardly bought any clothes since I've lived here.. how is that even possible with my proximity to Oxford Street!?).  Then I have some serious research to do in the library.  Inclusive education research will be my life for the next 2 months, possible longer depending on my dissertation topic choice.

In closing, Happy Halloween!  Here is what Momma Keys concocted for their neighbourhood Halloween gathering:

She is a talented lady!

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