09 November 2011

9/11 (British dates, so really November 9th)

Another day another dollar.... oh wait. No dollars, just days.  I'm extremely broke, actually, since my credit cards still haven't arrived from America.  I'm down to £60.  Hopefully I don't need to grocery shop in the near future! =/ My new credit/debit cards should be on their way to England.. should be here by this weekend.

School is school.  My kids have been drawing me all sorts of pictures lately.  They're so cute.
I love how they spell my name phonetically.  K-ee-s.  They are so clever!

See the resemblance?  This is supposed to be me.  I particularly like my large green body and red eyes.

Not much else is going on at school.  Open Day is tomorrow, where all the prospective parents come to look at the school, so everyone is extra stressed out.  I attended a real tea party today!  It was one of our teacher's birthday, so we had a surprise tea after school.  Tony comes to observe me on Friday.. and not just one lesson like normal.. he's coming for a full 4 hours.  Terrifying.

Fun fact - In England, it's spelled "kerb" instead of "curb".. weird, right?

Also, funny conversation I had with little Poppy while they were changing for street dance (yes, street dance):

Poppy is sitting in her underwear and starts putting her shoes on.
Me: "Poppy aren't you going to put your pants on before your shoes?"
Poppy: *blank stare*
Me: "Your pants.. you should put them on before you put shoes on."
Poppy: *blank stare* "but Miss Keys, I already have my pants on!"

...... I always forget that pants are underwear in this country.

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