30 November 2011


I'm too tired to write a long blog post.  Today was awful.  I put my flash drive in my computer only to realise that all of my files had been corrupted and I couldn't open any of them.  All my planning - gone again.  You would think I'd learn, eh?  So that was the start of my day and it was all downhill from there.  I spent almost an hour planning a lesson for tomorrow (making worksheets and everything) only for the year 2 teacher to tell me that my kids need to be in Christmas play practice during that time, so we aren't even doing that lesson.  So annoying.  On top of that, Tony comes to observe me on Friday.. I've almost reached my breaking point.  Student teaching is not fun.


  1. NO! That sucks! Hang in there, I'm sending positive energy your way. (I don't even know if that helps, but we'll pretend.)

  2. Hang in there Allie!! I can relate to the student teaching. It does sound like it is run "slightly" ndifferently than what we do here. The experience will pay off in the long run. WE love you and I can't wait to see you in front of a classroom where you are truly in charge. You will be GREAT!!!

  3. Sounds like you need a new flash drive.
