It's pretty safe to say I'm burned out on teaching. Or, more specifically, I'm burned out on being observed teaching. I don't mind teaching. I just hate that even when you have a brilliant lesson, there's always someone there to tell you what you should have done differently, or what could have been better. I do understand that that is part of the job, constantly trying to improve. But to be completely honest, I'm exhausted and don't have the energy for every lesson to be a brilliantly executed hour of fun for the children. Also, it would be nice to not constantly have someone looking over my shoulder. Oh the joys of student teaching.. only one month left!
Today we attempted to make balloon rockets at school (we're learning about force). It didn't go as well as I planned, but the children still thought it was fantastic. Now I'm staying up late to plan the next few days.. the "bl" sound, data handling (pictograms), dance, tools on colour magic, and moving pictures are all on the agenda!
Yes, for those of you who didn't catch on, I do have a British boyfriend these days. Grandpa, I know you thought this day would never come, but it has! I don't need you to find me an Amish boy now =)
hi from Grandma and Grandpa Broberg!