22 August 2012

Last Day in America

Last day in America! Spent the day packing and getting my hair done.  Now I'm spending the night drinking Spotted Cow with Momma Keys and Pops, and eventually going out to eat.  Cameron might even take a night off from his hoppin' social life and go out with us!

I wonder if I'll know which bags are mine in the airport in England? :)

The flight from Dallas to London is 9 hours long.  I have a hard time sitting for 9 hours, so I usually try to sit in an aisle seat.  Apparently, British Airways/American Airlines now charge extra to sit in the aisle seat! How annoying.  So I'm not in an aisle seat.. I'm going to have to warn the person who's lucky (or rich) enough to sit in the aisle that I'll be climbing over them every 2 hours to stretch my legs and use the bathroom.  Hopefully they'll just trade seats with me :)

My next post will be from across the pond.. hope you're ready Mathew!

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