25 September 2012

"You're okay"

I haven't updated my blog because I haven't done much exciting the last few days.  I went to Hammersmith yesterday for an interview that went okay.  It's not really a job I want but I'm getting desperate.

I've been reading a lot.  And trying to organise my life.  I bought binders, and tab dividers, and a hole punch yesterday so I could get my school stuff organised.  I then realised that I bought a 2-hole punch, and my binder has 4 rings.  Annoying.  I don't have the patience to attempt to perfectly space the 2-hole puncher to make 4 holes.  So I'm going to buy a 4 hole punch today.

I did figure out that I only have class on Wednesdays this term, not Thursdays.  So I'm in lectures 1:30-5, then Research Methods 5:30-7:30 and that's it!  It doesn't sound like much but I'm sure I'll be absolutely swamped with assignments and reading (I already am swamped with reading!).

Mat drank a few too many bourbons before bed the other night and was sleep talking.  Here are the funny things he said to me. :

Mat: Where are today's mashed potatoes? Why aren't they on the list?
Allie: What list?
Mat: The list for shit to go to the pop-up! All the food in the hallway downstairs.. it's not labeled for restaurants.  It just says zone 1 and zone 2.
Allie: Mat you know you aren't at work right?

A few minutes later....
Allie: Goodnight. I love you.
Mat: You're okay.  There are cases.
Allie: What do you mean there are cases?
Mat: Wallets. The 89 wallets I've got that fit.

What I learned from these sleep-talking sessions is that Mat thinks I'm just "okay" and he has a hidden stash of 89 wallets :)

Mat and I walked over by Big Ben and Westminster Abbey the other day and this is the only picture I took.  The weather was great as I'm sure you can see by the grey, cloudy sky.

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