07 September 2012

Prague and such..

Holy toledo I haven't written in my blog for so long!  I can't even remember everything that's happened?!  I'll do my best to make this a manageable length while still covering all the important stuff.

Before Prague.
We ate at Wahaca on the Southbank.  It's a pop-up restaurant made out of shipping crates.  Food was amazing.  I even ate a cactus taco!  Then we saw Batman at the IMAX, which is the biggest screen in England.

Oh Prague.  What a beautiful city!
- We started our journey in Prague airport, where we got money out of an ATM only to realize that they don't actually use Euros in the Czech Republic (guess we should've done some research before we went?).  So I took 600 Czech korunas (or crowns) out of the ATM.  Turns out 600 crowns is only $31?  Good thing Mat took money out as well or else we wouldn't have had enough to pay the taxi driver to get back to our hotel!
- Our hotel turned out to be right next to the Staropramen Factory, which Mat thought was pretty exciting.  We settled in to the hotel, then went out exploring.  We found an AMAZING restaurant. AMAZING.  It's called School, and it's right on the Vltava River.  It just opened.  Incredible food.  Everything we ate was incredible.  It was odd though, because they played the Grease soundtrack on repeat the whole time we were there?  Didn't seem to fit the ambience of the restaurant.
- Monday was Mat's birthday (happy birthday!) so, naturally, I scheduled us a tour of Prague at 9 am.. sorry Mat!  We ended up being the youngest people on our tour by at least 40 years.  When I booked the tour, I thought it was a walking tour, but it ended up being a coach/walking tour.  So we rode around Prague for a while, then walked around Prague Castle, and back in the coach to the Astronomical Clock.  Our tour guide was very nice, but very hard to understand.  She had a very thick Czech accent.  That afternoon we climbed the tower above the Astronomical Clock and looked at the amazing view.

- Monday night, we got locked out of our hotel.  Of course.  We walked back around 11-1130 after dinner and tried to open the door of our hotel (it was a big heavy wooden door).. and it was locked! So we rang the bell and knocked... nothing.  Of course, Mat's phone had 1% battery left so we couldn't even call them!  After about 5 minutes of knocking/ringing, the front desk person opened the door.  Very odd!
- Tuesday - We slept in on Tuesday morning, then headed to the mall.  We, of course, hadn't brought a converter with us so we had no way to charge Mat's phone.  So we went into Vodafone in the mall and asked if they'd charge it.  The lady said yes, for 1 hour, and plugged it in.  We putzed around the mall for an hour, went back to get it and.... she DIDN'T charge it!.  It was warm, so maybe she just set it on a hot computer or something.. but absolutely no battery charge.  So we ended up buying a charger (which we were trying to avoid) and sat in the Wi-Fi lounge in the mall to charge it.  After wasting most of the day in the mall, we went out for lunch (and a bottle of Prosecco - only 280 crowns!), went pedal boating on the Vltava River, had another bottle of Prosecco, back to School for dinner (and another bottle of Prosecco)..... It's hard to not drink Prosecco when it's so cheap!
- Wednesday - We went to the airport a few hours early and they wouldn't let us check-in (that would never happen in an American airport).  We ate some lunch, then checked in around 130 for our 350 flight.  Through immigration, then into the terminal.. that's right, no huge security check before going into the terminal.  That comes at the gate.  So, of course, I bought a water bottle in the terminal and they made me throw it way before going to the gate.  Annoying!

Mat and I went back to Dorking on Thursday to see his family. We hung out at his house with his mom and baby Evie.  Then, Mat, Chris, Sandy and I went over to his Aunt's house for a mini-reunion with his Nan, aunts, uncles and cousins.  We chatted for a while, then Mat, Chris and I went out for curry (which I don't like.. they assured me I'd like it but I definitely didn't).  We headed back to London on the 1030 train and made it back home at midnight.

My interview went really well!  It was for a company that works with families who have children with special needs.  They said they'll be in contact soon :)

We had tickets to boccia this afternoon so we headed to the Excel Center after my interview.  When we got there, the staff explained that our tickets were also Excel Day Passes, which means we could go watch any event in the Excel Center!  So, instead of going to boccia right away, we went to watch sitting volleyball (I wanted to go in the first place but we couldn't get tickets).  We watched Rwanda beat Morocco.. Rwanda was the first Sub-Saharan African country to win a Paralympic sitting volleyball game.  I think it was also their first time sending a sitting volleyball team to the Paralympics. Pretty sweet!
After that game, Great Britain was playing China.  It was a very exciting game, but GB definitely did not win.  China swept them in three games.  We went down to watch Boccia then, where GB also did not win.  America was playing sitting volleyball tonight, but you had to have actual tickets to watch that game because it was the final.

Tomorrow we're off to Stratford to watch the Athletics in Olympic Stadium.  Very exciting!

Also, I've entered the mobile phone world in England!  If you want my phone number, feel free to message me.  It's super expensive to text between England and America, but if you have a smartphone, you can download Whatsapp and message me that way!  

That's all for now.  Here are a few pictures.

The walk to the top of the tower above the Astronomical Clock.

Pretty view.

In front of a palace.

A church I think.
Back to England we go!

My new school :)

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