02 October 2012

Bus route.

First, here's Nug in his favourite onesie:

He is honestly the most adorable thing I've ever seen. I can't get over it. Well done, Katie and Andrew!

Today I took the bus from the end of our road into Waterloo to go to the library.  It's cheaper than the tube, but takes a while longer (45-60 minutes).  I took pictures along the way.. it's not a bad route!  Almost like a sight-seeing tour of parts of London :)

They haven't quite gotten around to taking down the Olympic flags.  This one was in Angel.

Museum of London, about halfway to Waterloo.  Never been here, but it's on my list!

Side of St. Paul's Cathedral.

Front steps of St. Paul's Cathedral

No idea what road this is, but it's kind of pretty.  Getting close to Waterloo now.

Coming up to the Royal Courts of Justice (bus stop is Chancery Lane).

The Royal Courts of Justice. Such a cool building.

Australian Embassy.

Strand Campus of King's College.  I don't go to classes at this campus, but we had orientation here.  And the Union is here. And another library and things.

After this, the bus turns left and goes across Waterloo Bridge, where I get off to go to school and to Canteen.  Such a pretty view but I had to get off the bus, so I didn't take a picture!  Then I spent the next 2 hours frantically printing things I didn't realise I needed to read for tomorrow, then reading them in the silent study room in the library (my new favourite place - no laptops or phones allowed).

I've been doing yoga lately - very beginner yoga.  I attempted to do an intermediate video today, which went okay.  I'm definitely not flexible enough for most of it though.  A few minutes ago, I was trying to show Mat all the things I couldn't do in the video and he started doing them.  All of them.  And doing them well.  I've never been so annoyed.

Also, Chelsea is winning 3-0!  They've never won a game that I've watched because I'm apparently bad luck.  Looks like my luck is changing!

We bought tickets to Belfast today!  We're going the 3rd-5th of November.  One of Mat's best friends live there, and he had a baby a while ago so we're going for a quick visit!

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