01 October 2012


First of all.. a very happy belated birthday to my pops!  He got the best birthday present - getting to meet Nugget :)  Look how cute they are!

Best friends.

I spent a lot of time shopping the last few days looking for a skinny pink tie for Chris for his birthday/Christmas.  I failed miserably.  Believe it or not, not a single store on Oxford Street sells skinny pink ties.  Not a single one.  Ridiculous.  But I did find lots of other (weird) ties.  For example, this one: 
If you can see, you can find a green tie with purple rabbits, or a purple tie with green rabbits.. but not a skinny pink tie.  
Luckily, this store redeemed itself by having this upstairs:

SOMEONE BUY ME THIS DRESS! Come on, it's beautiful. Only costs £700 - pocket change, right?

When I was walking around London at night with Hanna and Brianna, I tried to take some pictures with my phone.  London it absolutely beautiful all lit up at night, but it's hard to capture with a phone camera.  I did my best though! 
London Eye + River Thames

Big Ben :)

Nelson's Column in Trafalgar Square.

Yesterday Mat and I went to Dorking for his niece Evie's christening.  Miraculously, we all made it to the church on time.  The service was nice, and Evie did so well during the christening.  Afterwards, we all went to Emma and Andy's for champagne and cake.  They live in a cute little village near Dorking called Westcott.  After the bulk of the people left, we went to the pub with Mat's family for a drink (Evie didn't get to have one - it's hard being a baby).  Then we had dinner at Mat's parents' house (which was wonderful) and headed back to London around 9.  Got home around 1030 after a 50 minute train ride and then the tube home.

Mat didn't warn me about how much walking would be involved in the day so I wore heels - rookie mistake.  I should just throw all my heels away because there's not really anywhere we go in England that we don't have to walk long distances.  I will be living in flats from now on! :)

Today I need to catch up on a massive amount of reading, and do some laundry.  Should be an exciting day.

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