25 October 2012

Things I've learned in London

This is what I've learned living in London (so far)...

1. If I get up and straighten my hair, it will rain. But it won't just rain normally.  It'll misty rain so an umbrella is useless and my hair looks like a lion's mane 3 seconds after stepping outside.

2. You have to have a nice umbrella.  If you buy your umbrella at Poundland (one pound for everything), it will blow away in the first hurricane-force London wind gust.

3. It's really sad seeing homeless people all the time.  Yesterday I saw a child in a sleeping bag on the street in central London.  So depressing.  Makes you appreciate everything you have.

4. If you have to be somewhere at 930 in the morning, you have to get up really early and leave at least an extra 15 minutes for your journey because the one day you don't, the buses will stop running randomly and the tube train will get stuck in the tunnel for 45 minutes and you'll be late.

5. Don't get on the tube between 8-930 am or between 5-7 at night.  You will have to hug the stranger next to you in order to squash into the train car and it will be 4 million degrees.  

6. There are pretty old buildings everywhere.  Not old like we have in America.. legitimately really old.  And massive. And pretty.  For example, here's one of King's College libraries on Chancery Lane.

And here's the inside:

It's sort of like living in a Harry Potter movie.

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