01 September 2011

We're off!

The day is almost here!  Momma Keys and I drove up to Minneapolis today, after saying goodbye to all the family and extended family, and we're staying in a hotel tonight.  I spent my last day in America at the movies, watching The Help (which is a GREAT movie!) and hanging out at the Mall of America/Ikea.  After a few snags (broken hotel printer, ditzy front desk lady), I finally got my boarding passes printed!  Megan, Kate, and I are meeting at the airport tomorrow morning at 10 am!  We'll all be phone-less for this part of the trip (we're getting pre-paid phones in England - should be cheaper than taking our phones).  I can't even remember the last time I went anywhere without my cell phone, so that will be new!  Hopefully our flights go smoothly, and we land safely in England on Friday morning!

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