20 September 2011


So I taught again this morning.. we were doing an activity where all the children had whiteboards and were writing numbers on them.. here's how it went:

Me:  Okay children, erase your whiteboards and listen for the next number.
Children: *Blank stares*
Me:  Erase your boards!
Children: *Blank stares*
Me: Come on children, erase your whiteboards!
Children: *Blank stares*
One brave child: "Miss Keys, do you mean 'rub out' our boards?"

Not a single one of them had a clue what I was talking about when I said erase!

I also made a bulletin board today.  The children painted self-portraits last week and wrote a sentence about themselves.  I don't know why the picture is backwards, but you get the idea =)  It says "We are Year 1."  (The dots on the faces are supposed to be freckles.. they went a little overboard).

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