13 September 2011


Fun Fact about England for the day:  The light at an intersection turns yellow before a green light, not before a red light like it does in America.  I'm guessing this is so all the cars with manual transmissions can prepare themselves to start going!

Nothing very exciting happened at school today.  It was Tuesday.  Tuesdays are the worst day of the week (in my opinion).  Everyone is tired from Monday, and there are still 3 more days in the week, so not even a weekend to look forward to in the near future!

School was pretty uneventful today.  We had more tears than normal this morning.. apparently the children don't like Tuesdays either!  My teacher and I had some planning time this afternoon, so I worked on my lessons for this week.  Both my ICT (technology) lesson and my history lesson are about old and new toys this week, so I'm struggling to make them different and exciting.  But, I think if I let the children touch the interactive whiteboard they'll think whatever we're doing is fun!

I got to skype with Momma Keys today, which was awesome.  I miss her pretty little face.  Poppa Keys gets the pleasure of skyping with me this weekend. Can't wait!

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