After such a long weekend in London, it was really rough to get up and go to school this morning! It was a gloomy morning, pouring down rain, really windy and chilly. By 10 am, it was sunny and in the 60s. By the time I left school at 6, it was in the high 60s. Such weird weather in this part of the world!
We had a couple tears from children not wanting to leave their mums this morning. I think they're realizing they actually have to come to school everyday now. We sorted it out (England's way of saying "figured it out") and the rest of the day went pretty smoothly. During afternoon register, all the girls were trying to top what the last girl said. So first I looked like a princess, then a princess and a fairy, then a beautiful princess and a fairy.. by the end I was a "super beautiful princess and a fairy and a beauty and really a princess." Too funny!
We ended up staying at school until 6 tonight because we had a lot to get ready for tomorrow. 8-6 is a really long day with little kids! There's no time to sit down at all. I did drink 3 cups of tea today though! I found myself craving it this weekend, so the addiction is starting already.
Another funny thing about living here.. All day, I'm surrounded by people with British accents. I don't even notice them anymore, until I start talking. I hear other people say things and think they will sound the same when I say them, but they don't. It's like I'm surprised by my American accent!
I'm working on my first real lesson (that isn't about myself and America) to teach this week. It's about old and new toys, and how battery-operated toys are controlled. Sounds boring, but I think I can make it interesting. I'm going to have the children bring in a toy that does not use batteries or electricity, and then have them figure out how they could make it electric or battery-powered, and what it would do. Then they'll draw a picture of it. I think they'll really like it, because they are really into drawing anything and everything!
Tonight, Jack the dog ate all of our chicken off the counter in the kitchen when we weren't looking. Lesson learned.. I will never leave food on the counter unattended again!
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