14 September 2011


The first full week of school seems like it goes on forever!  I can't believe it's only Wednesday!  It was an off-day for most of the kids today.  We had a trio of girls who were just mischievous all day.  They all three cried when they were saying bye to mums this morning, only because they wanted the attention.  Then, during our literacy carousel, they all insisted on walking around and doing nothing!  So frustrating!  My teacher was not being tough on the discipline today either, which was really frustrating for me also.

The children said such funny things today.  Must've been something they had for lunch cause they were just odd!  For example, I asked one little girl to put a dot in the middle of a circle on her paper and she INSISTED that she needed play-doh to do this because it was too hard.  I asked her how play-doh would help her make a dot on her paper and she was on the verge of tears!  Then, at the end of the day, we were lining the children up by birthdays.  We have a girl named Apryl who's birthday is in April.  So my teacher said "Oh Apryl's birthday is in April!" and Apryl says "My mummy and daddy did that so they would remember because they are not very good thinkers." Bahaha.  Too funny.

My supervisor comes tomorrow to tell me exactly what I'm supposed to be doing and lay out a timetable, so that will be nice.  I'm also teaching tomorrow.. and my other teacher will be there!

I went to zumba tonight with some of the other older teachers.  I've never done zumba, so I was a little skeptical.. it was so much worse than I thought it would be! Haha.  I've rediscovered that I have no rhythm, nor can I make my hips move like the latino teacher!  There was an especially horrible part where we had to put on belts with jingly things and do belly dancing moves.. are you kidding me!?  It was a pretty good workout though.  I may go back next week.  It costs 5 pounds though, so that could get expensive.

Time for bed.  It's 10:45 and Megan's already been asleep for an hour!

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