12 September 2011


We got to London bright and early on Sunday morning and hopped on the sight-seeing bus!

Our guide, Joe, knew everything about everything in London. It's amazing the things these tour guides know about!

 One of my favorite pictures of the day.  The building is the Ministry of Defense building in London.  I love that you can see the London Eye peeking out behind it.  

My absolute favorite picture of the day. Big Ben with the British flag flying in front.  Fun fact - Big Ben is actually the name of the bell inside the tower, not the clock.  The tower itself is called St. Steven's Tower.

The girls' first ride on the underground!  We successfully navigated through a few stations.

Just me, hanging out at the Queen's house (aka Buckingham Palace) before our tour.

Thinking about sneaking into the Palace? Think again.  There are cameras, spikes, and 2 layers of barbed wire.  Megan though about trying to scale the wall, but then decided against it. Haha.

That's all for now!

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