20 October 2011

Almost half-term!

Today was a pretty eventful day at school.  For starters, our gerbil, Plus 1, died this morning.  He's been poorly for the last few days and he finally gave in today.  I don't think the children have even noticed that his container isn't there anymore though.  I taught Numeracy today and it went really well.  Definitely the smoothest lesson I've had thus far in my student teaching.  This afternoon, the fire truck came, so all the children got to go outside and look around the fire truck, and THEN they got to spray the hose (well, they got to pull back the handle while the fireman held the hose).  Very exciting for them!

Funny things the kids have said:
- Yesterday on the playground, a Year 2 boy came up to me and said "You know Miss Keys, you have a really good American accent"....... thanks? Haha.
- Today, I was reading a story and it said "shut up" in it.  I read it, and then reminded the children that we don't say that at school.  This little girl raises her hand and says "Miss Keys you aren't allowed to say for f**k's sake"......out loud, on the carpet, in front of 24 other little ears... I literally was speechless for a good 5 seconds.  You can tell how her mummy and daddy talk at home!


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