08 October 2011


I taught my first real disaster of a lesson yesterday.  They keep saying you should make mistakes, I just don't like it. Haha.  It was an art lesson about making puppets, and we were designing the templates, just on paper.  It was so awful.  It was Friday afternoon and the kids were tired and didn't want to sit and then my lesson was un-organized so they didn't know what they were supposed to be doing.  All in all, it was a disaster.  Lesson learned!

We went out with our host brothers last night.  I'm pretty confident people in England can just drink more than people in America because they are all tanks.  It's amazing.

Today, we're going to see the Phantom of the Opera at Her Majesty's Theatre.  SO EXCITING!  Then we're going to Sutton to go to another teacher's house for dinner/cards.  Should be a fun day!

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