14 October 2011

Friday, Friday... we don't have annoying songs like that in England =)

I've survived another week!  Only one more week until half-term and ITALY! YAY!  School was uneventful again today.  I taught the morning, which went fine.  After school, a couple of teachers and I went out for wine at a little place in Dorking and it was absolutely lovely.  I love them.  We've also been planning Thanksgiving, because we're going to do a whole Thanksgiving/America day on Thanksgiving!  I'm going to to assembly and talk about Thanksgiving and what it means.  It will be so great!  The girls have their staff outing tonight, so I'm either going out with my host brothers or staying in and having a quiet relaxing night, either of which would be just fine with me.

Fun facts:
We use the word "muddle" a lot at school, which is a word I don't hear often in America.  When something is confused or messed up, we say "Oh that's all in a muddle!"
An ice cream cone is called a cornet, not a cone.  Odd.

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