13 October 2011

Longest week ever....

I didn't know any week could be longer than last week.. but this week is taking the cake!  By the time Wednesday rolls around, I feel like it's Friday and I've lost all motivation.  It didn't help that the children were absolutely dreadful today.  Awful.  I had to stop in the middle of our lesson, tell them I would wait for them to finish their conversations, and just stare at them for at least a minute.  They just couldn't control their voices and they were fighting and crying.. so much drama!

I'm definitely looking forward to the weekend.  The girls have a staff outing with their school tomorrow night, so I'll probably snuggle up with a book and bottle of wine and relax by myself.  It's so weird how little I'm by myself here.  Literally, never.  Especially since I share a room.  Sometimes, you just need to be by yourself for a little while!  Megan's parents will be here on Saturday. I think we're going to go to Windsor Castle, which was my favourite place the last time we were in England, so that should be really fun.

I'm out of interesting things to say.

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