31 October 2011


Monday was definitely Monday today.  Kate and Megan forgot to set their phone back (we had daylight savings this past weekend and our ancient phones don't reset the time for us) so they woke up and started getting ready at 5 am instead of 6 am.  Then, in the getting ready process, they discovered a spider, apparently with a body as big as a quarter.  They couldn't kill it because it would be too loud (it was 5 am), so they just left it.  Naturally, I couldn't go back to sleep with a spider in the room, so I had to go sleep in Kate's room.  Then, when I got up at 7, I asked Sandy (our host dad) if he would come kill it.. of course it was gone.  So now we have a massive spider on the loose in our room.  Guess who won't be sleeping tonight.....

School was okay.  The combination of it being the first day back after half-term AND it being Halloween made the kids a little wild.  I was under the impression that Halloween wasn't celebrated in England.. turns out, it is!  We weren't allowed to do Halloween activities at school though, because it's a Church of England school and the Church of England doesn't condone a dress-up-and-trick-or-treat Halloween.  Still, all the children talked about all day was trick or treating and what their costumes were.  Not much else exciting happened today!

I got pictures from Kate from the first few days in Rome, so I'll post those when I get a chance!

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