06 October 2011


So close to the weekend! I need it, desperately!

My EA supervisor came to observe me today, along with some other man (I think he's training to be an EA supervisor).  I made sure to tell the children that they came to watch them, not me, so they were angels all morning.  My lesson went really well.  I did get a stern warning about how the tone of my voice is harsh, and if I continue using my voice in such a harsh way, I will damage my vocal chords.  I wasn't speaking loudly, just with a harsh tone, apparently.  I'm not sure how to un-harshen my voice, but that's my task before he comes to observe me again!

However, there is only so much feedback a person can take in one day.  Don't get me wrong, I love hearing how I can improve and I love the feedback, but at some point, your brain is just full.  My brain was definitely full of feedback after they left this morning.  Luckily, my head teacher is conscious of these things, and let me take my afternoon lesson all by myself, with no one observing me.  It was a nice change!  I did teach most of the day today though, so my throat feels like someone rubbed it with sandpaper.. pretty much a guarantee my voice will be gone by tomorrow night.  Teaching is just really hard.  People don't realise how much work it is!

I showed off my tie tying skills to the class today.  They were all really impressed!  They weren't sure I could do it at first, because it took me a few tries, but I showed them!

I learned today that instead of "Ready, set, go!" they say, "Ready, steady, go!"  Interesting.

Also, football club was after school today.  My favourite part of the week is when the handsome, young (by young, I mean in their 20s) football coaches come on Thursdays.....  keep in mind, it's an all female staff at my school.  When I was helping the children get their boots on for football, one of the Year 2s said "Miss Keys, are there a lot of trees in America?"  I just don't know what the fascination is with the trees in America.. every question the Year 2s have asked me about America has been about trees!  So odd....

The end.

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